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Write Your Book in 30 Days or Less

Online MasterClass

 Saturday, November 16th at 12pm PT/3pm ET


Are You Ready to Write Your Book NOW?

In this Online Masterclass 

You will Learn How to Get Your Book Out Of Your Head and Onto Paper in 30 Days or LESS!


Best Selling Author, Trainer, Award Winning Speaker - Pat Gillum will show you how she has helped coaches, educators, business professionals, and so many more write their books in 30 days or less using her proven 5 step system.

I'm ready to blow your mind and show you how easy it is to write your book in 30 days, but for that to happen, I need you to sign-up and save your spot to our upcoming online Masterclass webinar. See you there!


ONLY $197

Listen, I understand the frustration of wanting to write a book and not knowing where to begin, how to structure it, how to get it published and into the hands of the people you are meant to serve and impact.


Fortunately, for YOU I have created 5 easy steps you can follow to successfully write your book in 30 days or less! 


That's right! In this masterclass I will share my knowledge, expertise, and years of experience of how you can get that book out of your head and onto paper!


Here's what you can expect to learn during this live webinar session:


        I am going to show you how to take what you already know, using the skills you possess to write your book.


        You will learn the skills and techniques necessary for getting your book written from start to finish using my topic template.


         You will learn the strategies for organizing your thoughts into chapters for your book.


        You will learn the 4 keys to marketing strategy - How to promote your book for maximum profits.


        You will receive a step-by-step workbook and access to the video replay for 30 days.


 As an added BONUS......


        You will receive 2 live coaching and accountability calls with me to keep you on track and meet your deadline.

Date: Saturday, November 16, 2024
Time: 12pm PST/3pm EST

YES, I am Ready!



Register today and get access to my FREE Book Media Kit

(everything you need to promote your book)

$297 value!


My Proven 5 Step Program Works!

What are people saying about the masterclass.........


After attending the Write Your Book in 30 days class and our 1st live coaching call I stayed up all night writing and couldn't believe that I had written my complete story....I highly recommend taking Pat's class if you are ready to write your book now!  P.S. I just finished writing my second book! - Beverly Brown


I was really stuck trying to decide what to write about, how to put it all together and Pat's coaching really helped me gain clarity on what to do. I learned so much during the 30 days and now I am an Amazon Best Selling Author! - Shine Smiley 


I always knew I had a book inside of me, but I never thought I could actually write one, see it published and become a best selling author. I am so grateful to Pat for seeing the past my fear.  This class is for anyone who needs to get over the Fear and let Pat guide you through the process. I would highly recommend you register today! - Shelley Callahan


Pat Gillum is an award-winning International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, and Transformational Success Coach.  She speaks to global audiences about Turning their Dreams into Reality, The 3 Keys to Success-Getting Clear, Gaining Confidence, Committing to Action, Leadership for Women, Visioning for Success and has appeared as a resource for national press, media and bloggers. 


She is the author of the highly acclaimed book, The Sisterhood…Lessons I’ve learned along the way about Women and Friendships and Amazon #1 Best Seller, Empowering Women to Succeed, Turning Tragedy into Triumph.


Connect with her on Facebook,  Follow her on Twitter and Instagram,  Subscribe to her YouTube channel


Learn more about her VIP Group: The Sisterhood Extravaganza.

Wrtie Your Book in 30 Days Masterclass (

©2020 BY PAT GILLUM - United States

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